Ticket to Success

Despite what Marilyn Monroe says, BOUNDARIES are a girl’s [human’s] best friend!

Why is it that I can make such big improvements in a dog’s behaviour and mindset in a relatively short period of time?

Yep, I have lots of experience. Yep, I got some sweet skills. 😝 But that’s not why.

Skills and experience are actually towards the bottom of the list and anyone can learn those through training… the most impactful and authentic reason why is my MINDSET.

I’m simply and unequivocally not willing to accept dangerous, rude and inappropriate behaviour from anyone, and that includes dogs.

Yes, it really is that simple … at least that’s how it starts. With your mindset shift. Then you’re ready to go learn some skills.

There is no magic, just consistent determination and a ton of hard work.


Preventing Bites


Is he fixed?