Wait for it, wait for it...

Waiting for food is a fantastic exercise for puppies to learn about impulse control and another way we can teach our puppies about handler focus and calm choices!
In this video, I’m using Willow’s supper to and her obedience work to teach her about waiting calmly for the food bowl. I start by holding the bowl over head and then lower it to the ground. If Willow makes a move towards the food without permission, then I simply pick it straight up again. You’ll notice as we repeat the exercise, that Willow starts to trouble shoot what behaviour gets her the food which is calm patience, holding a sit or down and giving me a bit of courteous eye contact. Once Willow had finished eating after each rep, she started to excitedly slap and bite her bowl. So, I correct those naughty choices and then guide her into a better choice which is calmly going to place. In all things we do with our puppies and dogs it’s always very important to focus on cultivating calm behaviour and good choices.


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